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Known for saving Stenton from burning by British soldiers in 1777, Dinah, enslaved then freed in 1776, labored for about sixty years at this site until her death in 1805. Artist Karyn Olivier conceived the new Dinah Memorial as a contemplative space in the landscape, drawing on the input of a community who cares deeply about keeping the memory of Dinah alive, and telling her full story. A transformative change to Stenton, the Dinah Memorial will help the museum do its part to tell a full history of slavery and offer healing space. The memorial will be a space in the landscape where we can confront Dinah’s humanity and our own. It also fills gaps in Philadelphia’s roster of monuments and addresses the national conversation about commemoration, creating a new memorial to a formerly enslaved African American woman.

Please help us COMPLETE and CELEBRATE the unveiling of the Dinah Memorial!


We are close to realizing the Dinah Memorial! The cut stones are on site awaiting assembly, but due to pandemic delays and increases in project costs, we must raise $65,000 to complete construction!  Generous donors have already pledged $20,000 toward this goal. We hope to unveil the memorial on April 20, 2024, but we need your support to make it happen. Thank you for considering this special request; our world needs spaces where all can come together.

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