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Stenton Garden Volunteer Initiative


The Stenton Garden & Landscape Committee is being re-energized, and we are looking forward to spring with great anticipation.  We wish to share our enthusiasm for developing landscape projects at Stenton through our new garden volunteer initiative. The group will meet at Stenton on Thursday mornings to tend portions of the garden, as well as to participate in special learning opportunities related to the garden, whether its history or its horticulture. The Stenton Colonial Revival garden was arguably one of the first major projects of The National Society of Colonial Dames, Pennsylvania at the beginning of the 20th century. If you have any interest in becoming a Stenton Garden volunteer, whether on a regular basis or dropping-in as you are able, we would be delighted to have your participation in the revitalization of Stenton’s historic landscape. Please contact us by filling out the form below.

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